China Programer MPI/3D solutions

MPI/3D technology solutions for a class before the traditional finite element method can not solve the problem. Components in the thick, the molten plastic to flow in all directions. Based on the entities through the use of tetrahedral finite element mesh, MPI/3D technology allows you to very thick on the implementation of a real entity, three-dimensional simulation, but also can simulate a very large change in the thickness of the entity.

MPI of pre-and post-processor to generate entities of the 3D tetrahedral mesh model for MPI/3D analysis
Tetrahedral grid model of the following file formats are supported:
SDRC Universal
Nastran Bulk Data
PATRAN Neutral
ANSYS Prep 7
Listed in the above file formats, the triangle mesh surface model may be used, can also be used to re-division of 3D tetrahedral element mesh
Geometry input file format can also be used 3D tetrahedral mesh unit to support the system, including:
Parasolid (optional)
Pro / ENGINEER (optional)
STEP (optional)
Tetrahedral elements to optimize the analysis in accordance with the requirements of automatic re-division of anisotropic grid
Mesh optimization program division in the entity part of a relatively thin thickness direction have the same grid (rows of the grid aspect ratio and density)


Why MPI/3D

the thick solid model, requires a real 3D simulation to predict the weld lines and air hole location occurred
The use of MPI/3D, all of the rate, pressure, temperature, flow front location and the effects of thermal conductivity will be calculated in three directions


MPI/3D simulation is based on a CAD model directly from the entities of the 3D analysis of tetrahedral, which saved a large number of model preparation time
MPI pre-and post-processor for all of the 3D analysis provides an environment similar to
Thermosetting materials users can respond to the use of 3D simulation of the forming die

filling and packing analysis

3D thermosetting materials can be used for filling and packing phase of the simulation
Analysis of flow and pressure to carry out the order, or to conduct an independent analysis of pressure

Continuous coverage of the second molding


simulation using the elastic material to be covered by a molding process hard bottom
Hard to assess at the end of the face-off impact on the flow of filler material
Prediction of potential, due to heating caused by the thermal degradation of plastics

Inserts have been forming


analysis of plastic or metal inserts around the material flow
Inserts the same solid model can be used as input, and the cavity can be used with 3D tetrahedral grid unit
Inserts can be easily determine the temperature and material properties
Be forming in the whole cycle of temperature cycling Inserts
In the set pieces and parts combined with the surface of the flexible use of non-matching grid
Support the thermoplastic and thermoset molding materials

fiber analysis

fibers in plastics design and manufacturing played an important role; MPI/3D combined MPI / Fiber can accurately predict fiber orientation and a cavity in the heat - the distribution of mechanical properties

Analysis of


MPI/3D combined MPI / Cool to optimize the mold design and cooling water so that all parts of thick-walled parts can be uniform cooling

warpage analysis

MPI/3D combination of MPI / Warp Warp parts to predict the trend of
To calculate the cooling due to the imbalance, inequality contraction and molecular / fiber orientation caused by warpage parts

reaction injection molding

MPI/3D combined MPI / Reactive Molding of thermosetting material can simulate the forming process. Analysis of the forming methods can have:

thermoset molding materials
Rubber Injection Molding
Casting resin transfer

Forming Analysis

chip package

MPI/3D and MPI / Microchip Encapsulation combining 3D tetrahedral mesh adopted to simulate the semi-
Introduction of the molding process chips

accurate predictions of pressure distribution and flow of forward
Geometry does not require special methods to calculate the shape of the insert between the melt flow

filling at the bottom of irrigation

forming analysis package

MPI/3D and MPI / Underfill Encapsulation combine to shape the process of chip packaging
Through the use of 3D tetrahedral mesh can reduce model preparation time and accurate prediction of the flow effects of association

complete analysis

the true sense of the 3D analysis of a relatively thick solid geometry model is the most accurate method of analysis
MPI/3D is characterized by the details:
Mass, momentum and energy conservation
Each node speed, temperature and pressure data
Direct calculation of the flow of the fountain flow front, allowing users to see the intuitive flow of plastic melt
Analysis of mold filling, packing, cooling and warpage
Forecast the impact of inertia, gravity and shear effects of heat
More detailed study can weld marks the formation of gas
temple Study on the surface of the thermal resistance of parts
Show that the solidification gate


Navier Stokes real

Including the inertial effects of
Including the influence of gravity
Including the impact of the generalized viscosity
Including as a result of pressure caused by the viscosity effects of
Stokes analyzer
Rapid analysis of
Analysis of a single injection after the end of the beginning of the creation of different pressure steps
Pressure independent analysis, rather than need to go through filling analysis



3-dimensional speed of solving
Temperature convection