For businesses looking for ways to run more efficiently and help minimize their carbon footprint, the Environmental Sustainability Dashboard for Microsoft Dynamics AX provides information that can help them identify opportunities for cost savings and mitigation of their environmental impact.
Note: Features are organized by Business Ready Licensing edition. Actual editions may vary at the time of licensing.
Shared data
Increase visibility and improve collaboration across your organization with the ability to publish Environmental Sustainability Dashboard reports to any employee's Role Center using Microsoft® SharePoint® Web parts.
Motivate employees to act by increasing awareness of your organization's environmental impact, their role in reduction efforts, and how they can help.
Access the Environmental Sustainability Dashboard using Enterprise Portal in Microsoft Dynamics AX. (Note: Available only with Microsoft Dynamics Client for Microsoft Office, which requires the Advanced Management Licensing edition.)
Custom configurations and reporting
Customize the dashboard to include information relevant to your organization, such as specific vendors, energy conservation programs, or conservation goals.
Track direct and indirect energy consumption by month; identify specific contributing factors; and view the energy costs of each, such as electricity and fuel oil or heating costs.
Greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory
Create and track your own greenhouse gas inventory to understand your environmental impact and how that might affect your business in a carbon market.
Capture data consistently over time that is auditable, and reduce your risk of exposure to potential regulations, taxation, or increases in energy costs.
View the carbon dioxide equivalent of your emissions-the dashboard automatically calculates the carbon dioxide conversions and presents the information in an easy-to-read graph.
Tracking of Environmental Performance Indicators
Automatically track the four core GRI Environmental Performance Indicators for energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, including:
EN3-Direct energy consumption that is generated onsite, such as heat and power.
EN4-Indirect energy consumption that is generated from another location, such as a utility.
EN16-Your total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions, which combines EN3 and EN4 and converts them into carbon dioxide equivalents.
EN17-Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions, such as those generated from business travel, employee commuting, and waste disposal.
Integration with Microsoft SQL Server® Reporting Services
Capture environmental sustainability data in everyday business processes by viewing data immediately and tracking it over time using the dashboard, which is powered by SQL Server Reporting Services.
View detailed, integrated data, such as the quantity of energy purchased from a vendor, the associated costs, and the dates of the service period.
Easily manage environmental data. Automatically track your organization's energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), and receive guidance on how to set up a greenhouse gas inventory so that you can get up and running cost effectively.
Achieve supply chain transparency to mitigate risks. Respond to the increasing pressure from government, financial markets, media, and the business world to deliver transparency and share vital environmental sustainability data.
Increase efficiency and reduce energy costs. Spend less time gathering information and more time analyzing critical data with enhanced reporting processes, and improve your bottom line during difficult economic times.
Pursue socially responsible initiatives. Minimize your company's impact on the environment and increase your appeal to customers in a changing market that recognizes sustainability as a key global business strategy and competitive differentiator.